EuFlex Technificent Addresses Tech Talent Shortage in Brainport Region

EuFlex Technificent Addresses Tech Talent Shortage in Brainport Region

2024-05-30 community

EuFlex Technificent, a TU/e spin-off, is tackling the tech talent gap in the Brainport region with a blueprint for talent retention, aiming to keep the area a tech innovation hub.

Understanding the Talent Shortage

The Brainport region, renowned for its technological innovations, faces a looming crisis—a projected shortfall of 50,000 skilled technical employees by 2032. This shortage is exacerbated by the alarming trend that over 20% of technical graduates leave the sector within five years, and more than half of international students exit the region shortly after graduation. These statistics highlight the urgent need for effective strategies to retain technical talent and ensure the region’s continued growth and innovation.

A Proactive Blueprint for Talent Retention

EuFlex Technificent’s talent retention blueprint is a multi-faceted approach designed to address these challenges. Key initiatives include offering flexible and part-time work options, enhancing the community feeling for international workers, and promoting continuous professional development. The goal is to have 85% of master’s students working part-time in their fields, thereby increasing their likelihood of remaining in the Brainport region after graduation. By aligning job opportunities with students’ studies, EuFlex Technificent facilitates smoother transitions to full-time positions.

Collaborative Efforts and Success Stories

EuFlex Technificent’s collaborative model has already borne fruit. Companies are encouraged to create part-time positions, boosting flexibility and contributing to talent retention. A notable success story involves a young IT professional who, after starting a part-time job during studies, transitioned to a full-time position within ten months and has been with the company for nearly three years. Such examples underscore the effectiveness of proactive talent retention strategies in the Brainport region.

Expanding the Talent Pipeline

TU/e’s initiatives extend beyond immediate employment solutions. The university offers free Dutch language courses for all students, fostering better integration and a stronger sense of belonging among international talent. Additionally, events like the Wervingsdagen, including Skill Sessions, Career Expo, and Interviewing Days, help students prepare for the job market by providing essential skills and networking opportunities. These efforts collectively strengthen the talent pipeline and support long-term retention in the region.

Industry Partnerships and Future Prospects

The recent collaboration between ASML and TU/e, announced on May 23, 2024, further enhances the region’s prospects. ASML’s investment of 80 million euros and the involvement of nearly a hundred PhD students over the next decade will drive semiconductor innovation and create more opportunities for skilled specialists. This partnership underscores the importance of industry-academia collaborations in bolstering the Brainport region’s position as a technological powerhouse.

Call to Action for Companies

EuFlex Technificent calls on companies to take proactive steps in creating part-time positions and fostering environments conducive to talent retention. By partnering with EuFlex Technificent, companies can access a pool of young professionals ready to start their careers this summer. This collaborative effort is essential to ensuring that the Brainport region remains a beacon of technological innovation and growth.

Bronnen tech talent Brainport