Quantum-Safe Data Security: Chunk Works Prepares for Market Launch

Quantum-Safe Data Security: Chunk Works Prepares for Market Launch

2024-08-19 data

Amsterdam, Monday, 19 August 2024.
Chunk Works, supported by ROM InWest, is finalizing its innovative data security solution that protects against future quantum computing threats. The company aims to develop a scalable, ‘one size fits all’ approach for organizations of all sizes, addressing critical infrastructure vulnerabilities.

Innovative Approach to Data Security

Chunk Works, co-founded by Dennis Schouten and Stan Scharnigg, has engineered a robust solution to fortify data against the looming threats posed by quantum computing. Their approach involves splitting, encrypting, and distributing data across various nodes, making it exponentially more challenging for hackers to reconstruct the complete information. This method is significantly more effective against both current and future cyber threats, as it leverages ‘crypto agility’ to swiftly update encryption algorithms in response to emerging vulnerabilities.

The Role of ROM InWest

ROM InWest, a business development organization, has been instrumental in guiding Chunk Works through its critical growth phase. With the personalized assistance of Senior Business Developer Jorn Eiting van Liempt, Chunk Works has been able to refine its business strategies and prepare for scalability. ‘The critical questions posed by Jorn force us to set up the company in a way that we can scale sustainably,’ Schouten noted. This partnership underscores the value of incubation programs in nurturing innovative startups.

Quantum-Safe Solutions for Critical Sectors

One of the standout features of Chunk Works’ solution is its quantum-safe nature, designed to protect sensitive data such as intellectual property, contracts, and customer information. This feature is particularly vital for critical sectors like banking and utilities, which are increasingly targeted by sophisticated cyber-attacks. The company’s emphasis on quantum safety ensures that even as quantum computing becomes more accessible, the integrity of crucial data remains intact.

Industry Expert Support

To enhance the robustness of their solution, Chunk Works has formed an advisory board comprising cybersecurity experts, including Martijn Hakstege and Mathijs Valk. ‘The support and input from industry experts are very important for a young company. Especially in the cybersecurity sector, experts know what is needed for a product to succeed,’ Schouten stated. This expert guidance is pivotal in fine-tuning the product to meet market demands and regulatory standards.

Future Prospects and Market Launch

With the support of ROM InWest, Chunk Works is on the brink of a major market launch, slated for later this year. The company’s goal is to develop a scalable ‘one size fits all’ solution that can be adapted by organizations of varying sizes. This scalability is crucial for widespread adoption and ensuring that smaller businesses, as well as large enterprises, can benefit from advanced data security measures. The societal impact of their solution is profound, addressing the escalating threat of cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure.


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