High-Level Group Coordinates AI Development with Digital Markets Act Objectives

High-Level Group Coordinates AI Development with Digital Markets Act Objectives

2024-05-31 data

The High-Level Group for the Digital Markets Act will align AI development with DMA goals, fostering responsible growth and regulatory compliance.

Introduction to the High-Level Group and the DMA

On 22 May 2024, in Brussels, the High-Level Group for the Digital Markets Act (DMA) convened to discuss aligning artificial intelligence (AI) development with DMA objectives. This marks the third meeting of the Group, which includes representatives from key regulatory bodies such as the Body of the European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), and others. Their goal is to ensure that AI development fosters responsible growth while adhering to stringent regulatory standards.

Framework and Objectives

During the meeting, the High-Level Group adopted a public statement emphasizing the importance of coordinating enforcement efforts in AI. They established a dedicated AI sub-group tasked with monitoring developments and ensuring effective cooperation between the DMA and other regulatory instruments. This sub-group will also exchange enforcement experiences and regulatory expertise to maintain a consistent approach across various legal frameworks[1].

Benefits of Coordinated AI Development

Coordinating AI development with DMA objectives brings numerous benefits. It ensures that large digital platforms, identified as gatekeepers, do not exploit their market positions to create bottlenecks. By regulating these gatekeepers, the DMA aims to foster a competitive digital market, encouraging innovation and fair competition. Moreover, aligning AI development with these objectives ensures that AI technologies are developed and deployed responsibly, prioritizing user rights and ethical considerations[1].

Implementation and Enforcement

The European Commission, through the Directorates-General for Competition (DG COMP) and Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT), is the primary enforcer of the DMA. This joint team is responsible for ensuring that the DMA’s regulations are applied consistently, particularly concerning AI. Their role includes overseeing market investigations and providing expertise on emerging digital services and practices to future-proof the DMA[2].

Strategic Goals and Future Prospects

The EU’s broader digital strategy, underlined by the ‘Path to the Digital Decade’ program, aims to create a safe and inclusive digital space for all Europeans. This strategy emphasizes digital skills, education, and sovereignty, aligning well with the objectives of the DMA. By 2030, the EU aims to achieve significant milestones in digital transformation, including widespread gigabit connectivity and advanced digital skills for its population. The coordinated efforts under the DMA are integral to achieving these ambitious goals[3].


The High-Level Group’s initiative to align AI development with DMA objectives represents a significant step towards responsible AI growth and regulatory compliance. By fostering cooperation among key regulatory bodies and ensuring a consistent approach to enforcement, the EU is poised to lead the way in creating a fair and competitive digital market. This alignment not only benefits businesses and consumers but also sets a global standard for ethical and responsible AI development.


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