Chunk Works: Pioneering Quantum-Safe Cybersecurity

Chunk Works: Pioneering Quantum-Safe Cybersecurity

2024-07-29 data

North Holland, Monday, 29 July 2024.
Cybersecurity startup Chunk Works is nearing market readiness with a groundbreaking solution that splits and encrypts data, protecting against current and future quantum computer threats. With ROM InWest’s guidance, they’re refining a scalable product to safeguard critical sectors like banking and utilities.

A New Era in Data Security

Chunk Works, co-founded by Dennis Schouten and Stan Scharnigg, has developed innovative software designed to address the looming threats posed by quantum computing. As quantum computers become more advanced, traditional data encryption methods may no longer be sufficient to protect sensitive information. Chunk Works tackles this challenge head-on by employing a method that automatically splits, encrypts, and stores client data across multiple locations, making it exceedingly difficult for hackers to piece together coherent data from stolen snippets.

Revolutionary Approach to Encryption

The traditional approach to data security often involves storing encrypted data on a single secure server. While this method offers a certain level of protection, it also presents risks such as server breaches, which can result in significant data loss. Chunk Works’ solution mitigates these risks by distributing encrypted data fragments across various servers. This method not only enhances security but also ensures that even if a hacker gains access to one fragment, it remains virtually useless without the rest of the data.

Cloud and Provider Independence

One of the standout features of Chunk Works’ software is its cloud and provider independence. This means that the security solution can be implemented across different cloud platforms without being tied to a specific provider. This flexibility ensures continuous data protection, regardless of the platform used by the organization. Additionally, the software includes ‘crypto agility,’ allowing for quick changes to encryption algorithms if vulnerabilities are discovered.

Real-World Application and Success

The first version of Chunk Works’ software is already in use, securing quantum-safe data such as intellectual property, contracts, and customer information. This initial success demonstrates the practicality and effectiveness of their solution in real-world applications. The company is now focused on refining their product to create a scalable ‘one size fits all’ solution, which can be deployed by organizations of any size to combat the growing threat of cyber-attacks.

Support from ROM InWest

ROM InWest has been instrumental in Chunk Works’ journey towards market readiness. The organization has provided strategic business development support, helping the startup navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity. Jorn Eiting van Liempt, a Senior Business Developer at ROM InWest, has shared valuable insights from his own experience, enabling Chunk Works to avoid common pitfalls. This guidance has been crucial in preparing the company for its final steps towards market launch.

Expert Advisory Board

Understanding the importance of industry expertise, Chunk Works has formed an advisory board that includes cybersecurity experts Martijn Hakstege and Mathijs Valk. The advisory board regularly consults on strategic decisions and practical matters such as contract negotiations. According to Schouten, the input from these industry experts has been invaluable for the company, providing critical insights that have shaped their product development and business strategy.

Societal Impact and Future Vision

The societal impact of Chunk Works’ technology cannot be overstated. By preventing cyber-attacks on critical sectors like banking and utilities, the company’s solution plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability and security of essential services. As Chunk Works continues to refine its product, the goal is to offer a comprehensive cybersecurity solution that can adapt to evolving threats, ensuring long-term data protection for organizations worldwide.

Bronnen cybersecurity startup