Eindhoven University Hosts Course on Combustion and Energy Transition

Eindhoven University Hosts Course on Combustion and Energy Transition

2024-12-30 green

Eindhoven, Monday, 30 December 2024.
Eindhoven University of Technology will host a hybrid course from February 24-28, 2025, focusing on sustainable combustion practices and technologies for greener industrial processes.

Comprehensive Training for Next-Generation Researchers

The five-day course, organized by Rob Bastiaans at Eindhoven University of Technology, targets junior researchers and industry professionals seeking expertise in experimental and modeling approaches to combustion [1]. The program will cover crucial aspects of carbon-neutral energy conversion, including the use of sustainable fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, biomass, and methanol [1]. This timing is particularly relevant as the industrial sector currently accounts for approximately 40% of global electricity consumption and 24% of greenhouse gas emissions [2].

Practical Learning and Expert Guidance

Participants will benefit from a blend of theoretical and hands-on experience, including a scheduled visit to the Power and Flow (P&F) group’s laboratory on February 26, 2025 [1]. The course features distinguished lecturers including Jeroen van Oijen, Rob Bastiaans, and Antonio Attili, who will cover topics ranging from governing equations for chemically reacting flows to laser-diagnostic methods [1]. A networking dinner is planned at The Trafalgar Pub in Eindhoven on February 27, 2025, fostering collaboration among participants [1].

Contributing to Global Energy Transition

This educational initiative aligns with broader industry trends toward sustainable energy practices. Modern bioenergy currently contributes four times more to electricity and heat demand than wind and solar PV combined [5], highlighting the importance of understanding advanced combustion technologies. The course continues Eindhoven University’s tradition of combustion schools, building upon previous successful sessions held in 2005, 2010, 2016, 2019, and 2022 [1].


energy transition combustion