ASML and Eindhoven University of Technology Expand Collaboration with €180 Million Investment

ASML and Eindhoven University of Technology Expand Collaboration with €180 Million Investment

2024-05-24 semicon

ASML and TU/e will invest €180 million over 10 years to advance semiconductor research, train nearly 100 PhD students, and build a new cleanroom, enhancing the Brainport region’s semiconductor industry.

Semiconductor Industry Focus

The expanded collaboration between ASML and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is firmly rooted in the semiconductor industry. This partnership primarily aims to enhance research and development in areas crucial to semiconductor technology such as plasma physics, mechatronics, optics, and artificial intelligence. The initiative will also focus on training the next generation of experts, with nearly 100 PhD students set to engage in cutting-edge research over the next decade.

Benefits of the Collaboration

This collaboration offers several significant benefits. Firstly, it ensures a steady pipeline of highly trained specialists, addressing the semiconductor industry’s acute need for technical talent. Secondly, the joint research efforts are expected to yield scientific insights and technological advancements that could propel the semiconductor sector forward. Finally, the construction of a new cleanroom at TU/e will provide state-of-the-art facilities for research, education, and start-ups, bolstering the Brainport region’s status as a semiconductor hub.

How It Works

The collaboration between ASML and TU/e will involve joint research projects aligned with shared roadmaps. These projects will cover key areas such as plasma physics and AI, directly impacting ASML’s development of advanced lithography scanners and other semiconductor technologies. The nearly 100 PhD students involved will be prepared for roles in the chip sector, contributing to both academia and industry with their research outcomes. ASML’s investment of €80 million will be complemented by TU/e’s commitment of over €100 million, funding the new cleanroom and various other research initiatives.

Key Figures and Locations

ASML, headquartered in Veldhoven, Netherlands, and TU/e, located in Eindhoven, Netherlands, are the primary organizations driving this collaboration. Key figures involved include Roger Dassen, ASML’s Chief Financial Officer, and Robert-Jan Smits, President of the TU/e Executive Board. Dassen emphasized the importance of this partnership in providing scientific insights and training experts vital for the chip industry. Smits highlighted the collaboration’s role in enhancing Brainport’s position as a leading semiconductor hub in the Netherlands.

Project Beethoven and Future Chips Initiative

The collaboration aligns with Project Beethoven, a national and regional initiative aimed at strengthening the semiconductor sector in the Netherlands. This project, supported by government and industry, focuses on improving infrastructure, education, and research facilities. Additionally, TU/e’s Future Chips flagship initiative underscores the university’s commitment to leading international research in semiconductor technology. With over 700 researchers currently engaged and expected growth, this initiative represents a significant step forward in the university’s semiconductor research capabilities.


asml eindhoven university of technology