Windesheim and Oost NL Join Forces to Boost Regional Innovation

Windesheim and Oost NL Join Forces to Boost Regional Innovation

2024-10-05 community

Zwolle, Saturday, 5 October 2024.
Windesheim University and Oost NL have signed a partnership agreement to enhance practical research, innovation, and entrepreneurship in Eastern Netherlands. This collaboration aims to accelerate societal transitions in healthcare, digitalization, and clean energy by connecting entrepreneurs with knowledge, facilities, and international networks.

Strategic Alignment for Societal Impact

On 4 October 2024, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and Oost NL formalized a strategic partnership to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in Eastern Netherlands. This agreement is designed to leverage practical research to address pressing societal challenges, particularly in healthcare, digitalization, and clean energy. By aligning their resources and expertise, both institutions aim to bridge the gap between academia and industry, facilitating smoother transitions and faster implementations of innovative solutions[1].

Enhancing the Innovation Ecosystem

The partnership focuses on creating a robust ecosystem that provides startups and scale-ups with access to essential resources, including capital, talent, and a strong network. As noted by Theo Föllings, Director of Innovation at Oost NL, the collaboration is expected to remove structural barriers to innovation, thereby accelerating regional growth and competitiveness[1]. This initiative aligns with ongoing efforts by Windesheim to integrate practical research into business and student projects, thus enhancing the real-world applicability of academic insights[2].

Ongoing and Future Projects

Windesheim and Oost NL have a history of collaboration on various projects aimed at bolstering the region’s innovation capabilities. These include support for startups through the ZWINC program and initiatives in circular economy and AI via the AI-hub Oost-Nederland and Smart Energy Hubs. The ongoing projects are a testament to the institutions’ commitment to fostering a vibrant startup culture that thrives on cutting-edge research and practical solutions[3].

International and Regional Outreach

The agreement not only aims to strengthen local networks but also to expand international connections through Oost NL’s extensive network. Inge Grimm, Chair of the Executive Board at Windesheim, emphasized the importance of connecting regional entrepreneurs with global opportunities to boost their potential for impact and growth. The collaboration also highlights the role of partnerships in meeting global sustainability goals through local actions[1].


innovation entrepreneurship