New Subsidies Propel Green Energy Growth in Southern Netherlands

South Netherlands, Friday, 31 January 2025.
The OP-Zuid program offers subsidies for sustainable energy projects in Southern Netherlands, encouraging regional green technology advancement with up to €2 million per project.
Dual Funding Rounds for 2025
The OP-Zuid program has announced two major funding rounds for 2025, with a substantial total budget of €45 million [1][2]. The first application period runs from February 24 to April 4, 2025, while the second period is scheduled for September 15 to October 24, 2025 [1]. Each round allocates €7.5 million specifically for energy innovation projects, with an additional €15 million dedicated to broader sustainability initiatives including climate, resources, and agriculture [2].
Partnership Requirements and Focus Areas
Projects must involve at least two collaborating partners from the Southern Netherlands regions of Zeeland, Noord-Brabant, and Limburg [1][2]. The program specifically targets small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), offering a subsidy rate of 35% of project costs up to €2 million per project [1]. Projects must align with key societal challenges outlined in the 2021-2027 RIS3 priorities, focusing on energy transition, climate action, resource efficiency, sustainable agriculture, and health innovation [1][3].
Regional Economic Impact
The initiative aims to strengthen the competitive position of Southern Netherlands through innovation in sustainability and energy transition [2]. The program, operating under the European Regional Development Fund (EFRO) framework, supports both ‘smarter’ and ‘greener’ innovations aligned with the European Green Deal [2]. For projects benefiting North Brabant specifically, an additional 15% funding may be available on top of the standard subsidy rate [2].
Application Support and Guidance
To facilitate the application process, LIOF (Limburg Investment Development Company) will organize regional information sessions focusing on subsidy opportunities, application procedures, and assessment criteria [3]. These sessions will include practical advice from entrepreneurs who have successfully secured OPZuid funding [3]. Interested parties can seek guidance from subsidy specialists to optimize their applications [1].