EU charts a course for AI excellence and trust

EU charts a course for AI excellence and trust

2024-04-24 data

The EU’s AI strategy prioritizes excellence and trust, investing heavily in AI while upholding safety and fundamental rights.

A Decade of Preparing for the AI Revolution

The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act is not an overnight creation but the culmination of over a decade of strategic planning and reflection. The intent to not only boost AI research and industrial capacity but also to ensure the integrity of safety and fundamental rights has been the cornerstone of this long-term strategy. With the official publication of the AI Act imminent, marking the start of its applicability, the EU stands at a pivotal moment. High-level discussions, such as the recent event in London featuring Roberto Viola, Director General of DG CONNECT, underscore the gravity and anticipation surrounding this initiative.

Investing in AI’s Future

At the core of the European approach to AI is a substantial financial commitment, as exemplified by the Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programs, which collectively plan to invest €1 billion annually in AI. This investment is expected to leverage additional private and state funds, aiming for an aggregate annual investment volume of €20 billion throughout the digital decade. Furthermore, the Recovery and Resilience Facility earmarks an additional €134 billion for digital initiatives, reinforcing the EU’s ambition to emerge as a global AI leader.

Balancing Innovation with Rights Protection

The EU’s dual-pillar AI strategy hinges on fostering innovation while simultaneously safeguarding human rights. This delicate balance was initiated with the establishment of the expert group on artificial intelligence in March 2018, which played a crucial role in gathering expert input and building a broad alliance of stakeholders. In addition to financial investment, creating an innovation-friendly environment for AI development is paramount. The AI Act is central to the EU’s protective measures, aiming to shield fundamental rights, democracy, and environmental sustainability from the potential risks of high-risk AI technologies.

The AI Act: A Framework for Safety and Innovation

The proposed AI Act introduces a legal framework that classifies AI systems based on risk levels, ranging from minimal to high, with specific provisions for unacceptable and transparent risk categories. This structure is designed to ensure that AI systems operate within the boundaries of safety and respect for fundamental rights. For AI applications deemed an ‘unacceptable risk’, the Act enforces a ban to protect citizens’ rights in critical areas such as social scoring or emotion recognition in schools. High-risk applications in sectors like healthcare and banking will face stringent obligations, while transparency is mandated for medium risk applications, including general-purpose AI models.

Fostering an Ecosystem of Trustworthy AI

The EU’s approach to AI is not merely regulatory but also supportive of innovation, particularly for SMEs and startups. Regulatory sandboxes and real-world testing environments are proposed to be established at the national level. These platforms are designed to enable the development and training of innovative AI systems before they enter the market, thus providing a space for experimentation and refinement within a framework of trust and excellence. The GenAI4EU initiative stands out as a significant effort to stimulate the uptake of generative AI across the Union’s strategic industrial ecosystems, fostering an environment where AI can flourish from laboratory to market while aligning with EU values and rules.


Artificial Intelligence European Union