EU Signs Landmark AI Convention: A Step Towards Global Ethical Standards

EU Signs Landmark AI Convention: A Step Towards Global Ethical Standards

2024-09-05 data

Brussels, Thursday, 5 September 2024.
The European Commission has signed the Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, aligning with the EU AI Act. This first legally binding international agreement on AI emphasizes human rights, democracy, and rule of law in AI development and deployment, while fostering innovation and trust.

A Unified Approach to AI Governance

The signing of the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence marks a significant milestone in the global effort to regulate AI technologies. The convention, fully in line with the EU AI Act, aims to create a coherent regulatory framework that ensures AI systems are developed and used in ways that are compatible with fundamental human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. This unified approach is designed to foster innovation and build public trust in AI, which is critical for its widespread adoption and integration into various sectors.

Key Provisions and Risk-Based Framework

One of the cornerstone principles of the convention is its risk-based approach, which is also a key concept in the EU AI Act. This approach categorizes AI systems based on their potential risks to human rights and societal values. High-risk AI systems, such as those used in healthcare, law enforcement, and education, will be subject to stringent requirements, including detailed documentation, rigorous risk management, and transparency obligations. This framework aims to mitigate risks while allowing for the safe and ethical deployment of AI technologies.

Global Collaboration and Inclusive Input

The convention was signed in Vilnius, Lithuania, during an informal conference of the Council of Europe Ministers of Justice. It involved negotiating parties from the EU, other Council of Europe member states, and countries including the USA, Canada, Japan, and Australia. Representatives from civil society, academia, industry, and international organizations also contributed to the convention, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach. This global collaboration underscores the importance of international cooperation in addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by AI.

Implementation and Next Steps

Following the signing of the convention, the European Commission will prepare a proposal for a Council decision to formally conclude the agreement. The European Parliament’s consent will also be required. The convention will be implemented through the EU AI Act, which provides harmonized rules for the marketing, deployment, and use of AI systems within the EU. This regulatory framework is expected to serve as a model for other regions and contribute to the global governance of AI.

Benefits of the Convention

The Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence offers several benefits. By establishing clear guidelines and standards, it promotes the responsible development and use of AI, reducing the risk of harm to individuals and society. It also fosters innovation by creating a stable regulatory environment that encourages investment in AI research and development. Moreover, the convention enhances international cooperation, facilitating the exchange of best practices and harmonizing AI regulations across borders, which is essential for addressing the global nature of AI technologies.

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